While this podcast is typically focused on purpose driven, for-profit businesses, I am currently working on a project geared toward non-profit organizations, and the concept of purpose is relevant there, as well. I came across an article entitled “The Four Principles of Purpose Driven Board Leadership,” and one of the main questions asked is whether non-profit boards (as they exist today) are equipped to govern the social good organizations for which they are responsible. So in this episode, I will be going over the research I found in relation to this question so we can draw up a conclusion of our own.
Listen in as I explain what a recent study determined most non-profits are currently doing, including focusing on fundraising, lacking racial and ethnic diversity, and being disconnected from the people they are serving. If you are currently serving as a board member on a non-profit board or are leading a non-profit organization, I hope this will spark some conversations to help you and your organizations become more effective and purpose driven.
What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:
- The importance of putting purpose before the organization.
- How to avoid reinforcing systemic inequities.
- Why there should be respect for the ecosystem in which the non-profit serves.
- How to include the community you are meant to be serving.