Does your business or organization have what it takes to keep employees around long-term? This is a really important topic to discuss, especially in today’s job market where more and more people are resigning and changing jobs for something that feels “right”. In this episode, I’ll share some key points that will affect your staying power and what you can do to keep (the best) employees working for you.
Knowing what people are looking for in a job, as well as knowing how to keep people around is a topic a lot of businesses have been exploring as of late. With the high cost of an ongoing hiring process, it’s in everyone’s best interest to make a work environment that keeps employees around. You will learn what stay interviews are, the importance of flexible working arrangements, what it looks like to pay fairly and more.
What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:
- The state of the job market and one of the biggest dilemmas facing companies right now.
- Why increased retention efforts can be costly but worth it in many ways.
- What a stay interview is and how to conduct it.
- The power of a flexible working environment.
- Why pay, benefits and mobility are often key to retention success.
- How to incorporate feedback and fabulous management.
- The importance of feeding into your team and providing purpose.
Ideas Worth Sharing:
“Flexible benefit programs that can be tailored to different needs of your employees as individuals are a great retention tool and the cost to the company is nowhere near as significant as the cost to replace staff.” - Sandra D'Souza Click To Tweet “You want to create a collaborative culture where everyone is working together towards a common goal and not one where departments or individuals are pitted against each other in a misguided way of promoting drive/competition.” - Sandra D'Souza Click To Tweet “Clear communication is key to a productive and engaged team.” - Sandra D'Souza Click To TweetEnjoy the show? Use the Links Below to Subscribe: